Scroll down to read descriptions of the dance courses offered at Carthage, 或者点击以下链接获取更多资源:


DNC 1041 / 1学分
Beginning ballet instruction in fundamental movement including ballet positions and 巴雷和中心练习. 对所有学生开放. Fulfills general education requirement for Exercise and Sport Science experience and is a graded course.


DNC 1043 / 1学分
Beginning tap dance skill in steps at the barre and on the floor. 对所有学生开放. Fulfills general education requirement for Exercise and Sport Science experience and is a graded course.


DNC 1044 / 1学分
爵士舞基础的初级指导, 包括爵士乐的位置, 巴雷和中心练习, 进展, 更长的动作组合. 对所有学生开放. Fulfills general education requirement for Exercise and Sport Science experience and is a graded course.


DNC 1047 / 1学分
This course offers a form of contemporary theatrical and concert dance employing a special technique for developing the use of the entire body in movements expressive of abstract ideas. Each class begins with a structured warm-up designed to prepare the entire body for full-out moving. 中心组合, 把, 合作, 小跳, 和跳跃, 以及在地板上移动, 为以后的学习打下坚实的基础. Fufills general education requirement for EXS experience and is a graded course.


DNC 1050 / 1学分
在本课程中, students will be given instruction in fundamental 普拉提 mat exercises focusing on coordination, 的姿势, 身体意识, 和力量. The specific approach designed for this course will emphasize neutral spine and proper pelvic alignment to improve core stability and overall health. 对所有学生开放.本课程满足EXS的经验要求.


DNC 1120 / 2学分
舞蹈理论与实践 surveys concert dance in America and establishes dance as a form of expression and creativity. 通过阅读, 讨论, 和实践, students will experience a variety of dance forms and learn about the contexts from which they emerged. Each class will begin with time to tune in and warm up and will follow with stylistic lessons and/or 探索s within 即兴创作al 结构.


DNC 2041 / 1学分
Continued ballet instruction in floor combinations and beginning allegro and 慢板. Fulfills general education requirement for Exercise and Sport Science experience and is a graded course. 前提条件:DNC 1041和教师的同意.


DNC 2043 / 1学分

Tap II is a continuation of tap technique instruction for students who have a foundation in tap technique. Students will further develop technical skills through classwork that includes 进展, 程式化的例程, and combinations that build on tap skills level I as well as reflect various stylistic and historical influences. This class fulfills the general education requirement for Exercise and Sport Science experience and is a graded course.
前提条件:DNC 1043或教师同意


DNC 2044 / 1学分
Continued 爵士乐 dance instruction in a variety of steps and combinations including floor combinations and stylized dances. Fulfills general education requirement for Exercise and Sport Science experience and is a graded course.
前提条件:DNC 1044或教师同意


DNC 2047 / 1学分
本课程提供现代技术的持续指导. 课程将包括自由体操和站立练习, 穿越空间的进程, 更长的动作组合.
前提条件:DNC 1047


DNC 2051 / 1学分
An applied dance course with variable content that provides students the opportunity to experience and apply unique dance inquiries.
Prerequisite: Any level I applied dance course or instructor permission


DNC 2060 / 2学分
跳舞 Theory and Composition navigates the creative process of dance making through reflection, 探索, 和组成. Students will explore a variety of approaches in dance composition and will consider and discuss the concepts, 选择, 以及其他舞蹈制作者的技艺. This course will culminate in an informal presentation of dance works.
前提条件:DNC 1120或教师同意


DNC 2070 / 2学分
舞蹈编舞和剧目 is a performance and choreography course that continues skills developed in applied dance technique, 即兴创作, 还有理论和写作课程. The course provides students opportunities to further understand modes of choreographic and performance inquiry and will culminate in a final performance presentation.
前提条件:DNC 1120或教师同意


DNC 3041 / 1学分
A continuation and extension of the techniques learned in Ballet I and II, including application of more difficult elements of the ballet style. 每节课都包括杠, 布拉斯港, 中心横档, 慢板, 小快板, 宏伟的快板, 和entournant. Discussions will include theory and history of ballet as it applies to the styles being studied. This course fulfills the general education requirement for Exercise and Sport Science experience and is a graded course. 这门课可以重修以获得学分.
先决条件:DNC 2041和教师的同意


DNC 3044 / 1学分
This course will build upon the technical foundation of Jazz I and Jazz II. Students will further develop 爵士乐 dance skills through class work that includes warm-up exercises, 进展, and combinations that progress beyond intermediate level skills and reflect specific stylistic and historical influences. This course fulfills the general education requirement for Exercise and Sport Science experience and is a graded course. 这门课可以重修以获得学分.
前提条件:DNC 2044


DNC 3050 / 4学分
This course is designed to provide a contextual understanding of American concert dance from the early 1900s until today. The course will look at significant artists and works that have influenced and shaped dance in America, 包括芭蕾的风格, 现代, 爵士乐, 还有音乐剧. 通过阅读, 讨论, 书面作业, 独立研究, students will develop an understanding of the historical threads that have converged into the multiplicity of American concert dance today.
前提条件:DNC 1120或教师同意


生物1040 / 4学分
A study of structure and function of organs and systems of the human body. This course is designed for students interested in Exercise and Sport Science or 跳舞, or those looking to fulfill the general education lab science requirement. 这门课不计入生物专业. 讲座与实验.


MUS 1150 / 4学分
This course intends to enable students to learn the basic language needed to talk and write about music; to be able to recognize and differentiate the standard styles, 结构, and mediums of music; and to appreciate different styles of music in their cultural contexts.